repozitár akademici inštitúcie vedné odbory

888 príspevkov


The Influence of the altitude on somatic characteristics size of common vole (Microtus arvalis) in Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-influence-of-the-altitude-on-somatic-characteristics-size-of-common-vole-microtus-arvalis-slovakia.pdf 283.51 KB

Doc. Mgr. Ivan Baláž, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The influence of conditions changes on biometry of somatic characteristics (weight, body length, tail, hind foot and ala auris length of M. arvalis) was observed in 6 hypsographic levels: planar, hillock, sub-mountainous, mountainous, oreal, subalpine.

Fakulta prírodných vied UKF, 2010

Ekológia, Zoológia

Pridané: 1. 3. 2011

The influence of transformation changes after 1989 on commuting in Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-influence-of-transformation-changes-after-1989-on-commuting-in-slovakia.pdf 628.27 KB

Mgr. Daniel Michniak,PhD., kapitola v zahraničnej monografii

MICHNIAK, D. The influence of transformation changes after 1989 on commuting in Slovakia. In Michalski, T. ed. Geographical Aspects of Transformation Process in Central and East-Central Europe. Gdynia-Pelplin : Bernardinum, 2006, p.79-89.

Geografický ústav SAV, 2006

Humánna geografia

Pridané: 4. 3. 2010

The Information Theory of Value and the Inclusive Economic Growth (Abstract) Stiahnuť súbor the-information-theory-of-value-and-the-inclusive-economic-growth.pdf 9.38 KB

Ing. Ivan Klinec, publikácia

The Information Theory of Value and the Inclusive Economic Growth - Abstract

Ekonomický ústav SAV, 2011

Ekonomická teória, Prognostika (futurológia)

Pridané: 22. 12. 2011

The mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) in the birds nests in Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-mites-acari-mesostigmata-in-the-birds-nests-in-slovakia.pdf 1.14 MB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

A characterisatics of mite assemblages inhabiting bird nests

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1992

Ekológia, Synekológia, Zoológia

Pridané: 26. 8. 2009

The National Cuisine of Slovaks Stiahnuť súbor the-national-cuisine-of-slovaks.pdf 92.18 KB

Prof. PhDr. Rastislava Stoličná, DrSc., prednáška

The term national cuisine of Slovaks means, first of all, the culinary culture of people living in the countryside and small towns who considered themselves to be of the Slovak ethnicity.

Ústav etnológie SAV, 2012

Kultúrna antropológia a etnológia

Pridané: 20. 8. 2012

The Nationalizing Processes in Slovakia 1969–1988. The Case Study of Hungarian Minority Stiahnuť súbor the-nationalizing-processes-in-slovakia.pdf 327.33 KB

Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The paper deals with the situation of Hungarian minority in Slovakia in the period of the regime of so called “Normalization” after the suppression of “Prague Spring” in 1970s and 1980s. The issue of minority policy of Czechoslovak / Slovak government is discussed as a specific aspect of the nationalizing policy. The paper is based on the archival research of the documents provided by Charter 77 and the Committee for Protection of the Hungarian minority rights in Czechoslovakia.

Ústav politických vied SAV, 2015

Regionálna geografia, Politická geografia, Sociológia, Teória politiky, Politológia, Porovnávacia politológia

Pridané: 18. 3. 2016

The perception of identity through urban toponyms in the regional cities of Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-perception-of-identity-through-urban-toponyms-in-the-regional-cities-of-slovakia.pdf 820.39 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

This work largely deals with the practical possibilities of the analysis of urban toponyms and their interpretation, which may be appealing in the ield of multidisciplinary studies of sociology, history and geography. Our ambition has been to attempt to verify the statement that the names of streets, squares or parks in the historical centre of cities serve as indicators of oficial views and ideological impressions on the political, social and historical events, in the context of Central Europe.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

The Possibilities for Analysing Street Names in relation to the Space and Identity: Case Study of Slovak Cities Stiahnuť súbor the-possibilities-for-analysing-street-names-in-relation-to-the-space-and-identity-case-study-of-slovak-cities.pdf 10.14 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií

h e s t u d y a i m s t o d e t e r m i n e t h e i n t e n s i t y o f l o c a l , r e g i o n a l , n a t i o n a l i d e n t i t y , b a s e d o n t he

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

The Reform of the Public Administration in Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-reform-of-the-public-administration-in-slovakia.pdf 1.49 MB

Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD., kapitola v zahraničnej monografii

Article deals with the reforms of public administration and territorial division in the modern Slovak history. The main focus is given on the development since 1989.

Ústav politických vied SAV, 2016

Humánna geografia, Regionálna geografia, Politická geografia, Demogeografia a demografia, Verejná správa a regionálny rozvoj, Teória politiky, Politológia, Porovnávacia politológia, Teória dejín štátu a práva

Pridané: 15. 6. 2016

The role and status of geography in the quality of life research Stiahnuť súbor the-role-and-status-of-geography-in-the-quality-of-life-research.pdf 133.29 KB

Mgr. Ivan Andráško, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií

ANDRÁŠKO, I. (2009). The role and status of geography in the quality of life research. In GEODAYS LIBEREC 2008: book of proceedings. Eds. Poštolka, V., Lipský,Z., Popková,K., Šmída, J. , Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, p. 210-215.

Geografický ústav SAV, 2009

Geografické vedy, Ekologické a environmentálne vedy, Priestorové plánovanie, Spoločenské vedy, Ostatné spoločenské vedy, Ekonomické vedy a manažment, Sociálne vedy, Lekárske a farmaceutické vedy

Pridané: 19. 11. 2010

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