Akademik: | Mgr. Ivan Andráško, PhD. |
Typ príspevku: | príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií |
Anotácia: | ANDRÁŠKO, I. (2009). The role and status of geography in the quality of life research. In GEODAYS LIBEREC 2008: book of proceedings. Eds. Poštolka, V., Lipský,Z., Popková,K., Šmída, J. , Liberec: Technical University of Liberec, p. 210-215. |
Popis: | One of the basic attributes of the quality of life concept can be considered its interdisciplinary character. Thereby in the past decades quality of life studies have arisen in a wide range of scientific disciplines. From the geographical point of view, specification of the status of geographical research and its tasks within the framework of quality of life examination is of great importance. In this paper an attempt is made to outline some basic answers to two interrelated questions. The first one of them deals with the role the geography plays in the field of quality of life research. From a bit different point of view, the latter one focuses on the importance of this research for the geography itself. Besides these two problems, the aspect of geographical scale and the usefulness of information obtained via the geographical quality of life research are also discussed. |
Rok vydania: | 2009 |
Autor: | Mgr. Ivan Andráško, PhD. |
Inštitúcia: | Geografický ústav SAV |
Vydavateľ: | Liberec : Technická univerzita |
Pridané do repozitára: | 19. 11. 2010 |
Posledná zmena: | 8. 3. 2025 |
Jazyk: | anglický (en) |
Počet strán: | 6 |
Vedný odbor: |
Geografické vedy, Ekologické a environmentálne vedy, Priestorové plánovanie, Spoločenské vedy, Ekonomické vedy a manažment, Sociálne vedy, Ostatné spoločenské vedy, Lekárske a farmaceutické vedy |
Názov súboru: | the-role-and-status-of-geography-in-the-quality-of-life-research.pdf |
Typ súboru: | Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) |
Veľkosť súboru: | 133.29 KB |
Stiahnuť súbor: | the-role-and-status-of-geography-in-the-quality-of-life-research.pdf |