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50 príspevkov

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU
Ulica 17. novembra č. 1
081 16 Prešov

Tel: 051 757 0600
Fax: 051 772 5547


Hodnotenie atributov sidelnej struktury regionu NUTS II Vychodne Slovensko Stiahnuť súbor hodnotenie-atributov-sidelnej-struktury-regionu-nuts-ii-vychodne-slovensko.pdf 2.04 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The extend of urbanization – the main factor of differentiation of regional and settlement development socio-urbanization status conditions existential and development conditions of regions quantitative characteristics of regions, social potentials of regions and their total development. The rate index of urbanization refers to the proportion of total population which inhabits urban places. Urbanism as a way of life is the net effect, as evident in human behavior, of all these facets of the urban place also a form of social organization.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Identita ako kontext geografickeho vyskumu, teoreticko-metodologicky ramec Stiahnuť súbor identita-ako-kontext-geografickeho-vyskumu-teoreticko-metodologicky-ramec.pdf 1.11 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The aim of article is focused on the research of regional identity that is not a common theme in Slovakia, although post-socialism involves not only political and economic transformations but also changes of identity and culture. The aim of this paper is to examine how changes of regional identity of inhabitants could is proceeding at self-governing hierarchical regional levels.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2010

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Priestorova diferenciacia krstnych mien a priezvisk v Slovinsku Stiahnuť súbor priestorova-diferenciacia-krstnych-mien-a-priezvisk-v-slovinsku.pdf 2.20 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The following study compares the spatial differentiation of first names and surnames in the 12 districts of Slovenia with a total population just below two million inhabitants (2008). Slovenia is a central European country bordering on Austria to the north, on Hungary to the north-east, on Croatia to the south and south-east, on Italy to the west. Surnames and first names are a distinctive cultural as well as biological mark at the same time, for this reason, they can help to identify the ethniclinguistic constituent element involved in their origin

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2010

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Vplyv fyzickogeografickej struktury krajiny na regionalny rozvoj z aspektu jej primarneho potencialu Stiahnuť súbor vplyv-fyzickogeografickej-struktury-krajiny-na-regionalny-rozvoj-z-aspektu-jej-primarneho-potencialu.pdf 803.76 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The paper deals with the options for the regional development from the aspect of a primary potential of the landscape. In the individual chapters we characterize the influence and the possibilities of the utilization of the natural elements and components of the landscape from the viewpoint of human activities (location potential, geological potential, georelief potential, climate potential, water management potential, soil potential and land cover potential)

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2010

Fyzická geografia a geoekológia

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

POPULATION DYNAMICS AND POPULATION POTENTIAL IN THE KOŠICE (1999-2005) Stiahnuť súbor population-dynamics-and-population-potential-in-the-kosice.pdf 2.26 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

This paper describes the natural movement and migration movement in the city of Kosice in 1999 and 2005.The natural movement consists of natality and mortality. The migration movement comprises emigration and immigration. The result of migration and natural movement is the total movement of the population. This paper explains the changes in movement of inhabitants in the municipal units in Kosice and interprets growth or decrease of municipal parts of Kosice. We describe usage model of population potential in municipal units of Kosice in 2005.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2009

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

APLIKÁCIA TEÓRIE ROVNOVÁHY SÍL NA REGIÓN ZÁPADNÉHO BALKÁNU POČAS VOJNOVÉHO KONFLIKTU V ROKOCH (1991 – 1995) Stiahnuť súbor aplikacia-teorie-rovnovahy-sil-na-region-zapadneho-balkanu-pocas-vojnoveho-konfliktu-v-rokoch.pdf 652.16 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The aim of this paper investigates which one of two competing theories – balance of power theory or power preponderance theory – better explains war on the territory of western Balkan region. At the end of the 20th century the SE European region was surviving one of the most difficult periods of changing hegemony and dominance circumstances. The disintegration of the communist world and the collapse of former Yugoslavia, as part of the process, could be considered as the result of the new relations among big powers’ hegemonic systems.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2009

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

AN ASSESSMENT OF SPATIAL SCALE AND THEMATIC FOCUS OF PUBLICATIONS AND DIPLOMA THESIS OF SLOVAKIAN GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTES Stiahnuť súbor an-assessment-of-spatial-scale-and-thematic-focus-of-publications-and-diploma-thesis-of-slovakian-geographical-institutes.pdf 1.85 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The article explores the formation of regional identity with regard to scale and topic in works and final thesis of Slovak geography students from selected geographic institutions and departments. Taking into account papers and diploma thesis of students, we tried to discover how the authors perceive and form the image of a region of the theme and spatial scale of their works.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

ASPECTS OF THE PHENOMENON OF DEMOGRAPHIC POPULATION AGING IN CZECHIA AND SLOVAKIA: TIME AND REGIONAL DIMENSIONS Stiahnuť súbor aspects-of-the-phenomenon-of-demographic-population-aging-in-czechia-and-slovakia-time-and-regional-dimensions.pdf 1.33 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

Over the past decades, the ageing of our society has become a widespread phenomenon. A continuing increase of the elderly population is particularly present in more developed regions of world. However, demographic changes are soon expected in less developed regions as a consequence of socio-economic development. The paper reports on the development of characteristics of the burden carried by the productive population as the consequence of the demographic ageing of population in the conditions of Slovak and Czech regions.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Population aging and changes in the age structure of Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor population-aging-and-changes-in-the-age-structure-of-slovakia.pdf 1.35 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The age group structure of the populat ion in the distr icts of Slovakia was highlighted by means of an analysis of the three big age groups: 0 – 19 years, 20 – 64 years and 65 years and older . The paper reports on the development of the character ist ics of the burden carried by the product ive populat ion in consequence of the demographic ageing of populat ion in the condit ions of the Slovakian regions. The main task of the paper was the ident ificat ion the tendencies in age structure of Slovak populat ion. Statist ical methods and mathemat ics proceeding are used to compare different parameters age st ructure (e. g. index of ageing, youth dependency rat io etc.) .

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Kultúrnohistorické a prírodné dedičstvo Slavónie Stiahnuť súbor kulturnohistoricke-a-prirodne-dedicstvo-slavonie.pdf 1.84 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

Na východe Chorvátska medzi Dunajom, Drávou a Sávou sa rozprestiera Slavónia, po Dalmácii druhý najväčší historický región. Identita Slavónie je spojená s úrodnými rovinami, lužnými lesmi, malebnými vinohradmi, starými vínnymi pivnicami a barokovými kaštieľmi. Územie si počas celej svoje histórie zachovalo typický folklórny ráz s malebnými národnými tradíciami a unikátnymi kulinárskymi špecialitami.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Sociálne vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

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