repozitár akademici inštitúcie vedné odbory

40 príspevkov

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU


AN ASSESSMENT OF SPATIAL SCALE AND THEMATIC FOCUS OF PUBLICATIONS AND DIPLOMA THESIS OF SLOVAKIAN GEOGRAPHICAL INSTITUTES Stiahnuť súbor an-assessment-of-spatial-scale-and-thematic-focus-of-publications-and-diploma-thesis-of-slovakian-geographical-institutes.pdf 1.85 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The article explores the formation of regional identity with regard to scale and topic in works and final thesis of Slovak geography students from selected geographic institutions and departments. Taking into account papers and diploma thesis of students, we tried to discover how the authors perceive and form the image of a region of the theme and spatial scale of their works.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Analyza rozvojovych moznosti sidelnej struktury Kosic Stiahnuť súbor analyza-rozvojovych-moznosti-sidelnej-struktury-kosic.pdf 1.09 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z domácich konferencií

Mestá možno charakterizovať ako body ekonomického a spoločenského života. Mesto je zložitý organizmus, ktorý sa neustále vyvíja a mení v závislosti od spoločenských, ekonomických a sociálnych podmienok spoločnosti. Po hlavnej etape urbanizácie, po ktorej už Košice nevládali absorbovať ďalšie prichádzajúce obyvateľstvo, začali sa vytvárať, najmä pozdĺž významných dopravných ciest nové ostrovčeky bývania.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2009

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

APLIKÁCIA TEÓRIE ROVNOVÁHY SÍL NA REGIÓN ZÁPADNÉHO BALKÁNU POČAS VOJNOVÉHO KONFLIKTU V ROKOCH (1991 – 1995) Stiahnuť súbor aplikacia-teorie-rovnovahy-sil-na-region-zapadneho-balkanu-pocas-vojnoveho-konfliktu-v-rokoch.pdf 652.16 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The aim of this paper investigates which one of two competing theories – balance of power theory or power preponderance theory – better explains war on the territory of western Balkan region. At the end of the 20th century the SE European region was surviving one of the most difficult periods of changing hegemony and dominance circumstances. The disintegration of the communist world and the collapse of former Yugoslavia, as part of the process, could be considered as the result of the new relations among big powers’ hegemonic systems.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2009

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

ASPECTS OF THE PHENOMENON OF DEMOGRAPHIC POPULATION AGING IN CZECHIA AND SLOVAKIA: TIME AND REGIONAL DIMENSIONS Stiahnuť súbor aspects-of-the-phenomenon-of-demographic-population-aging-in-czechia-and-slovakia-time-and-regional-dimensions.pdf 1.33 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

Over the past decades, the ageing of our society has become a widespread phenomenon. A continuing increase of the elderly population is particularly present in more developed regions of world. However, demographic changes are soon expected in less developed regions as a consequence of socio-economic development. The paper reports on the development of characteristics of the burden carried by the productive population as the consequence of the demographic ageing of population in the conditions of Slovak and Czech regions.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Comparative analysis of chosen finnish and slovak geography textbooks Stiahnuť súbor comparative-analysis-of-chosen-finnish-and-slovak-geography-textbooks.pdf 2.77 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií

Important tools in education are teaching materials. Among these materials we can also include textbooks, which have an unsubstitutable role during the educational process. Textbooks have been subject of research for a long time. Researchers ([6], [12], [13], [14], a.o.) have a number of foreign and domestic publications at their disposal that analyze the functions of textbooks, show how to study and evaluate textbooks, how to write and work with them

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Demograficke starnutie z pohladu zavislosti produktivnej populacie na Slovensku a v EU Stiahnuť súbor demograficke-starnutie-z-pohladu-zavislosti-produktivnej-populacie-na-slovensku-a-v-eu.pdf 4.98 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií

Population ageing and depopulation are dominant demographic processes in Slovakia. Population age structure-the comparative size of specific age groups relative to the population as a whole-can help illustrate where countries' risks and opportunities lie in relation to critical issues such as democracy, development and security. In fact, the influence of age structure on a state's governance, risk of an outbreak of civil conflict, and economic development is both significant and quantifiable. The paper reports on the development of characteristics of the burden carried by the productive population in consequence of the demographic ageing of population in the conditions of the Slovakia regions and member states of EU.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2010

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Etnicka a nabozenska pestrofarebnost Vojvodiny Stiahnuť súbor etnicka-a-nabozenska-pestrofarebnost-vojvodiny.pdf 2.24 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., prednáška

Ethnic structure of Vojvodina presents complex process of demographic development in different national communities. in spite of trends in different natural increase of different ethnic communities, whose continuity determinate unevenly demographic development in Vojvodina, the inluence of migrations as a result of bad economical, political and civil war situation was very important factors in creating contents of recent ethnic map. According to inal results of Census in 2002, there are 2 031 992 people in Vojvodina (65,05 % are Serbs). The largest national community are Hungarians, Slovaks, Yugoslavs, Croats, Gypsies, Romanian and others.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Euro-stimulator or inhibitor of active tourism in Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor euro-stimulator-or-inhibitor-of-active-tourism-in-slovakia.pdf 2.69 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií

' 7 am very happy that we will celebrate the euro's 10th anniversary by welcoming Slovakia as a new member. Slovakia is about to take a historic step forward, for all its citizens and for Europe. Joining the euro will place Slovakia at the economic and political heart of Europe, less than five years after joining the European Union.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Hodnotenie atributov sidelnej struktury regionu NUTS II Vychodne Slovensko Stiahnuť súbor hodnotenie-atributov-sidelnej-struktury-regionu-nuts-ii-vychodne-slovensko.pdf 2.04 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The extend of urbanization – the main factor of differentiation of regional and settlement development socio-urbanization status conditions existential and development conditions of regions quantitative characteristics of regions, social potentials of regions and their total development. The rate index of urbanization refers to the proportion of total population which inhabits urban places. Urbanism as a way of life is the net effect, as evident in human behavior, of all these facets of the urban place also a form of social organization.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

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