repozitár akademici inštitúcie vedné odbory

49 príspevkov

Spoločenské vedy

Selected Indicators of Population Ageing in New Member States of European Union Stiahnuť súbor selected-indicators-of-population-ageing-in-new-member-states-of-european-union.pdf 531.98 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

Nowadays, many European countries are faced with the serious problem of ageing populations. The goal of this article is to highlight and identify these demographic trends through some indicators of population ageing in new member states of the European Union. Based on data from the United Nations (UN), their section “Population Division, Population Estimates and Projection Section” and the topic “World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision”, this paper considers some of the indicators of the ageing of the population in new member states of the EU. Statistical methods and mathematics evaluations are utilized to compare different parameters of age structure (e. g. ageing index, old age dependency ratio, potential support ratio and parental support).

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2014

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Selected Indicators of Population ageing in the World: Trends, Impacts and Consequences Stiahnuť súbor selected-indicators-of-population-ageing-in-the-world-trends-impacts-and-consequences.pdf 2.70 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The macro regional differences expressed through some indicators of population ageing may relect social and economic disparities in the World. The current research considers the relationship between selected ageing parameters like ageing index, potential support ratio, parental support, the old age dependency coeficient, longevity index and centenarian index in the World macro regions. The main objective of the study is to focus and describe the forecast of population ageing – the demographic phenomenon in the World characterised by a reduction in fertility, a decrease in mortality rate, and higher life expectancy among World population from 2015 through 2050.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2014

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

The perception of identity through urban toponyms in the regional cities of Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor the-perception-of-identity-through-urban-toponyms-in-the-regional-cities-of-slovakia.pdf 820.39 KB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

This work largely deals with the practical possibilities of the analysis of urban toponyms and their interpretation, which may be appealing in the ield of multidisciplinary studies of sociology, history and geography. Our ambition has been to attempt to verify the statement that the names of streets, squares or parks in the historical centre of cities serve as indicators of oficial views and ideological impressions on the political, social and historical events, in the context of Central Europe.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2013

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Priestorova diferenciacia narodnostnej a jazykovej struktury z hladiska procesu starnutia v Srbsku Stiahnuť súbor priestorova-diferenciacia-narodnostnej-a-jazykovej-struktury-z-hladiska-procesu-starnutia-v-srbsku.pdf 15.86 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

This article presents the ethnic structure of the population of Serbia according to the 2002 census results. Also, there are analyzed the burden coefficients, age index and coefficients describing the dynamics of burden changes in minorities of Serbia, specifically the inflow, outflow and substitution coefficients.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Srbsky faktor v geopolitike zapadneho Balkanu. Vybrane aspekty Stiahnuť súbor srbsky-faktor-v-geopolitike-zapadneho-balkanu-vybrane-aspekty.pdf 13.55 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The aim of this article is to compare different images of the position of Serbia at the beginning of 2 llh century. Confessional and ethnic pictures of the West Balkans is the result of different demographic development (migration, natural increase, etc.). as well as the action of geographical, historical, political and other factors. At the beginning of the 2Th the Serbs have found themselves in the new geopolitical reality: again destroyed and in refugees, under the new form of sanctions and geostrategic pressures. Regardless of the change of the regime, the geostrategic pressures on Serbia in the new forms have been continued.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Percepcia identity Presovskej geografickej skoly vo svetle publikacne cinnosti - akceptujeme dichotomiu geografie? Stiahnuť súbor percepcia-identity-presovskej-geografickej-skoly-vo-svetle-publikacne-cinnosti-akceptujeme-dichotomiu-geografie.pdf 3.47 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

This paper is an attempt to assess current state and future prospect of geography in point of view of bibliometric analyses as a tool for perception of geographical identity. This article looks irst at the assessment of current state through the analysis of publication activity geographers in Presov. Mentioned paper lists the most frequently topics of research by Presov geographers. As a result of our research, the problem is primary cause of thematic fragmentation of research as well as theoretical weakness and lack of theoretical discussion.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2012

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Populacna dynamika Kosickeho a Presovskeho samospravneho kraja v kontexte regionalneho rozvoja Stiahnuť súbor populacna-dynamika-kosickeho-a-presovskeho-samospravneho-kraja-v-kontexte-regionalneho-rozvoja.pdf 16.95 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

This paper analysis demographic processes connected with dynamic of inhabitants of Eastern Slovakia region in the last seven years, taking into the consideration the data of the RegData dabase census between years 2001-2008.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Etnicka a nabozenska pestrofarebnost Vojvodiny Stiahnuť súbor etnicka-a-nabozenska-pestrofarebnost-vojvodiny.pdf 2.24 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., prednáška

Ethnic structure of Vojvodina presents complex process of demographic development in different national communities. in spite of trends in different natural increase of different ethnic communities, whose continuity determinate unevenly demographic development in Vojvodina, the inluence of migrations as a result of bad economical, political and civil war situation was very important factors in creating contents of recent ethnic map. According to inal results of Census in 2002, there are 2 031 992 people in Vojvodina (65,05 % are Serbs). The largest national community are Hungarians, Slovaks, Yugoslavs, Croats, Gypsies, Romanian and others.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Hodnotenie atributov sidelnej struktury regionu NUTS II Vychodne Slovensko Stiahnuť súbor hodnotenie-atributov-sidelnej-struktury-regionu-nuts-ii-vychodne-slovensko.pdf 2.04 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The extend of urbanization – the main factor of differentiation of regional and settlement development socio-urbanization status conditions existential and development conditions of regions quantitative characteristics of regions, social potentials of regions and their total development. The rate index of urbanization refers to the proportion of total population which inhabits urban places. Urbanism as a way of life is the net effect, as evident in human behavior, of all these facets of the urban place also a form of social organization.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2011

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

Identita ako kontext geografickeho vyskumu, teoreticko-metodologicky ramec Stiahnuť súbor identita-ako-kontext-geografickeho-vyskumu-teoreticko-metodologicky-ramec.pdf 1.11 MB

RNDr. Slavomír Bucher, PhD., príspevok v domácom časopise

The aim of article is focused on the research of regional identity that is not a common theme in Slovakia, although post-socialism involves not only political and economic transformations but also changes of identity and culture. The aim of this paper is to examine how changes of regional identity of inhabitants could is proceeding at self-governing hierarchical regional levels.

Fakulta humanitných a prírodných vied PU, 2010

Spoločenské vedy

Pridané: 8. 12. 2014

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