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197 príspevkov

Ústav zoológie SAV

Ústav zoológie SAV
Dúbravská cesta 9
845 06 Bratislava

Tel: 02 5930 2602


Impact of water management on a Carabid community (Insecta, Coleoptera) in a Central European floodplain forest Stiahnuť súbor impact-of-water-management-on-a-carabid-community-insecta-coleoptera-in-a-central-european-floodplain-forest.pdf 915.30 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

Comparizon of structure of Carabid communities in a hard-wood floodplain forests in its natural state and after a strong decline of ground water table

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1994

Ekológia, Synekológia, Ochrana a využívanie krajiny, Ochrana prírody, Entomológia

Pridané: 28. 8. 2009

Beetles (Coleoptera) in nests of house and tree sparrows (Passer domesticus and P. montanus). Stiahnuť súbor beetles-coleoptera-in-nests-of-house-and-tree-sparrows-passer-domesticus-and-p-montanus.pdf 910.59 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Analysis of beetle fauna in free nesting hous and tree sparows (Passer domesticus and P. montanus) in Slovakia, mostly in suburban areas of Bratislava

Ústav zoológie SAV, 2003

Ekológia, Synekológia, Zoológia, Entomológia

Pridané: 27. 8. 2009

Silpha bilineata Reitter, 1901 and Silpha tatrica Smetana, 1952 - new syno-nyms of Silpha carinata Herbst, 1783 and some ecological notes to its intraspecific variability Stiahnuť súbor silpha-bilineata-reitter-1901-and-silpha-tatrica-smetana-1952-new-syno-nyms-of-silpha-carinata-herbst-1783-and-some-ecological-notes-to-its-intraspecific-variability.pdf 1.87 MB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Synonimization if two species of Silpha and characteristics of spatial variability of S. carinata

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1983

Ekológia, Entomológia

Pridané: 28. 8. 2009

Dischisus tsengjialiae sp. n. (Coleoptera, Carabidae), a new species of the tribe Panagaeini from China Stiahnuť súbor dischisus-tsengjialiae-sp-n-coleoptera-carabidae-a-new-species-of-the-tribe-panagaeini-from-china.pdf 796.36 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Description of a new Carabid species from the Hunnan Province in China

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1996


Pridané: 26. 8. 2009

Coleoptera ve sbírce PhMr. Bohumila Šofra Stiahnuť súbor beetles-in-a-historic-entomological-collection-from-west-moravia.pdf 398.23 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

List of beetles in a historical entomological collection created in the between period in Třebíč, a district city in West Moravia

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1976


Pridané: 27. 8. 2009

Prunus persica Sieb. et Zucc. - a new food plant for the longhorned beetle Aromia cyanicornis Guerin, 1844 and Mesosa myops (Dalman, 1817), (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from North Korea Stiahnuť súbor prunus-persica-sieb-et-zucc-a-new-food-plant-for-the-longhorned-beetle-aromia-cyanicornis-guerin-1844-and-mesosa-myops-dalman-1817-coleoptera-cerambycidae-from-north-korea.pdf 221.03 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Finding of Prunus persica as food tree for long-horn beetles Aromia cyanicornis Guerin, 1844 and Mesosa myops (Dalman, 1817),

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1991

Ekológia jedinca a populácií, Autoekológia, Entomológia

Pridané: 26. 8. 2009

Influence of clear cutting on ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in a pine forests Stiahnuť súbor influence-of-clear-cutting-on-ground-beetles-coleoptera-carabidae-in-a-pine-forests.pdf 1.78 MB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Study on migration of Carabids provoked by clear cutting in a Central Bohemian pine forest

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1984

Ekológia, Krajinná ekológia, Synekológia, Ochrana prírody, Entomológia, Ochrana lesa

Pridané: 27. 8. 2009

Bioindikacija chimičeskogo zagraznenija počv s po mošču izbrannych komponentov edafona Stiahnuť súbor bioindication-of-chemicall-pollution-of-soils-by-means-of-selected-groups-of-edaphic-animals.pdf 888.56 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Reviwe of selected results of monitoring of fauna in fields exposed to different ferilizers and pesticides Only Carabidae presented in the skanned copy of the paper

Ústav zoológie SAV, 1986

Ekológia, Ochrana prírody, Zoológia, Entomológia, Poľnohospodárske vedy

Pridané: 28. 8. 2009

The composition and richness of Danubian floodplain forest land snail faunas in relation to forest type and flood frequency Stiahnuť súbor land-snails-in-danubian-woodland.pdf 328.77 KB

Ing. Tomáš Čejka, PhD., príspevok v zahraničnom časopise

The species richness and composition of land snail assemblages in 42 floodplain forest sites along the Danube River in Slovakia were studied to find the main ecological gradients responsible for the variation in the faunas.

Ústav zoológie SAV, 2008

Synekológia, Ochrana prírody, Zoológia, Ochrana lesa

Pridané: 23. 9. 2009

Leptotyphlus kovaci sp. n. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), a relic endogean rove beetle from Slovakia Stiahnuť súbor leptotyphlus-kovaci-sp-n-coleoptera-staphylinidae-a-relic-endogean-rove-beetle-from-slovakia.pdf 696.90 KB

Ing. Zbyšek Šustek, CSc., príspevok v domácom časopise

Description of a troglobion species of the mediterranean genus Leptotyphlus from East Slovakian karst

Ústav zoológie SAV, 2000


Pridané: 26. 8. 2009

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