repozitár akademici inštitúcie vedné odbory

Advanced Tools for Acquirement of Competencies by Crisis and Security Managers

Akademik:doc. Mgr. Vladimír Tomáš Míka, PhD.
Typ príspevku:príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií
Anotácia:Demands for people readiness at particular positions and for decision-making process are rising. new tool is presented (eSEC portal), that allows users (e.g. students, professionals, teachers, researchers) to acquire special competencies in field of security.
Popis:The solutions of security problems and crisis situations are accompanied by many specific traits. Some of them are typical for all crisis situations; some of them denote the one singular form of crisis only. A crisis of the technical or social system is a condition, with two possible results – the operation of system or its radical change leading to the renewal of system functions. Contemporary opinions about the solution of crisis situation concur that those crises produce new dimensions in the organization scene. Demands for people readiness at particular positions and for decision-making process are rising. Therefore the demands on crisis and security managers are rising too, proportionally with the complication of the situation. The crisis situations are special in work, time and information stress. First part of article includes definition of traits, qualities and skills, which are necessary for effective solution of problems in different fields of security. In second part a new tool is presented (eSEC portal), that allows users (e.g. students, professionals, teachers, researchers) to acquire special competencies in field of security.
Rok vydania:2012
Autor:Loveček, T. - Míka, V.T. - Ristvej J.
Inštitúcia:Fakulta bezpečnostného inžinierstva ŽU
Vydavateľ:World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society
Pridané do repozitára:13. 6. 2012
Posledná zmena:7. 3. 2025
Jazyk:anglický (en)
Počet strán:7
Vedný odbor: Ostatné príbuzné odbory bezpečnostných služby, obrany a vojenstva, Bezpečnostné verejno-správne služby, Verejná správa a regionálny rozvoj, Ekonomika a manažment podniku, Softvérové inžinierstvo
Názov súboru:advanced-tools-for-acquirement-of-competencies-by-crisis-and-security-managers.pdf
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