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Politická diferencia a feministická teória

Akademik:Mgr. Ľubica Kobová, MA, PhD.
Typ príspevku:príspevok v zahraničnom časopise
Anotácia:Kobová, Ľ. (2012). Politická diferencia a feministická teória. Gender, rovné příležitosti a výzkum, 13(2), 18 - 27. Celý príspevok je dostupný in:
Popis:The article discusses the uses of the concept of the political in both feminist political theory and mainstream postfoundational political theory and its implications for feminist political theorizing nowadays. In feminist theory the concept emerged as a counter reaction to disputed foundations of feminism, the subject of women, primarily. The political was identified with contingency and contingent foundations; no thorough exploration of the term was carried out within the field of feminist theorizing though. The mainstream postfoundational political theory rests in identifying political difference, i.e. a difference between ontic level of politics and its foundations on ontological level. I introduce Mouffe’s notion of agonism as exemplary normative theory of political difference. Next to it I juxtapose the approach of Jacques Rancière that attempts to undermine the distinctions on which ontological political difference is based. His account of politics seems to point beyond ontologization of politics and instead focuses on immanent plane of politics, in which the given, the visible can be recomposed merely. In the conclusion I link his account to that of political judgment of Linda Zerilli and argue for feminist political philosophy and theory without a need for purified founding concept of the political. Keywords: the political, political difference, postfoundationalism, feminist political theory
Rok vydania:2012
Autor:Mgr. Ľubica Kobová, MA
Inštitúcia:Filozofická fakulta UK
Vydavateľ:Gender, rovné příležitosti a výzkum
Pridané do repozitára:7. 2. 2013
Posledná zmena:6. 3. 2025
Jazyk:slovenský (sk)
Počet strán:10
Vedný odbor: Systematická filozofia, Feministická sociálna a politická filozofia
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