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(Dez)integračná sila stredoeurópskeho nacionalizmu : prípad štátov Vyšehradskej skupiny (Ivan Halász a Mateusz Gniazdowski - spoluautori)

Akademik:Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD.
Typ príspevku:domáca monografia
Anotácia:This publication consists of five chapters. 1) Central Europe and the Issue of the Right of Nations for Self-Determination, by Juraj Marušiak 2) National and State Symbols in Countries of Central Europe after 1989, by Ivan Halász 3) The Issue of the Right of Minorities in Central Europe. Comments on the History and Current Status of the Minority Issue in the Region, by Ivan Halász 4) Historical Memory and Polish Foreign Political Thought after 1989, by Mateusz Gniazdowski 5) Central Europe in Polish Foreign Policy, by Mateusz Gniazdowski
Popis:The topic of this publication is the influence of nationalism in Central Europe. Developments in the region since 1989 have confirmed that expectations of the time in which the spirit of social solidarity and ideals of civic equality would weaken the effectiveness of nationalism as a constructive principle of the functioning of political communities and countries have been less than accurate. Immediately after the fall of the communist regimes, the perceived broader region of Central and Eastern Europe was undergoing a reconfiguration that resulted in a significant change in its map. But nationalism repeatedly confirmed its power and ability to establish emotional ties and relationships of solidarity across social, ideological and often even the ethnic and cultural fractioning of the society. Nationalism or its absence in the form of an integrating state idea, stood at the fall of multinational federal states in Central and Eastern Europe but at the same time nationalism has shown its integrative function in the newly-established countries. This publication consists of five chapters. 1) Central Europe and the Issue of the Right of Nations for Self-Determination, by Juraj Marušiak 2) National and State Symbols in Countries of Central Europe after 1989, by Ivan Halász 3) The Issue of the Right of Minorities in Central Europe. Comments on the History and Current Status of the Minority Issue in the Region, by Ivan Halász 4) Historical Memory and Polish Foreign Political Thought after 1989, by Mateusz Gniazdowski 5) Central Europe in Polish Foreign Policy, by Mateusz Gniazdowski Marušiak, J., Halász, I., Gniazdowski, M.: (Dez)integračná sila stredoeurópskeho nacionalizmu : prípad štátov Vyšehradskej skupiny. Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave 2015, 220 s. ISBN: 978-80-223-3874-5
Rok vydania:2015
Autor:Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD.; Ivan Halász, Mateusz Gniazdowski
Inštitúcia:Ústav politických vied SAV
Vydavateľ:Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Pridané do repozitára:15. 7. 2015
Posledná zmena:9. 3. 2025
Jazyk:slovenský (sk)
Počet strán:220
Vedný odbor: Kultúrna antropológia a etnológia, Slovenské dejiny, Všeobecné dejiny, História, Medzinárodné vzťahy, Ostatné príbuzné odbory spoločenských vied, Regionálna geografia, Politická geografia, Humánna geografia, Ostatné spoločenské vedy, Demogeografia a demografia, Teória dejín štátu a práva, Ostatné príbuzné odbory sociálnych vied, Sociálna práca, Porovnávacia politológia, Sociálna antropológia (aj pre historické vedy), Politológia, Sociológia, Teória politiky, Teória a dejiny kultúry
Názov súboru:dezintegracna-sila-stredoeuropskeho-nacionalizmu-pripad-statov-vysehradskej-skupiny.pdf
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