Akademik: | Mgr. Ivan Lesay, MA., PhD. |
Typ príspevku: | domáca monografia |
Anotácia: | Publikácia analyzuje slovenskú dôchodkovú reformu v medzinárodnom kontexte – zameriava sa politické, ekonomické a ideologické dôvody v pozadí reformy. |
Popis: | This paper presents an analysis of the pension system reform in Slovakia. The context of economic globalisation is crucial in any assessment of this topic. The basic features of the pension system before and after the reform are surveyed briefly in section 2. Sections 3, 4 and 5 constitute the paper’s core. Section 3 lists the reasons for reform, categorising them in terms of stated and real reasons. Section 4 characterises the risks and possible social impact of reform. Section 5 seeks to define criteria of public interest in relation to the pension system and also evaluates pay-as-you-go and pre-funded schemes on this basis. Section 6 briefly outlines measures that might help to protect the pension system from various threats. The final section looks at pension reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in order to present an example of welfare state retrenchment trends in the post-Communist region. |
Rok vydania: | 2006 |
Autor: | Ivan Lesay |
Inštitúcia: | Ekonomický ústav SAV |
Vydavateľ: | |
Pridané do repozitára: | 4. 2. 2009 |
Posledná zmena: | 9. 3. 2025 |
Jazyk: | anglický (en) |
Počet strán: | 85 |
Vedný odbor: |
Porovnávacia politológia, Svetová ekonomika, Verejná ekonomika a služby |
Názov súboru: | pension-reform-in-slovakia-the-context-of-economic-globalisation.pdf |
Typ súboru: | Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) |
Veľkosť súboru: | 468.46 KB |
Stiahnuť súbor: | pension-reform-in-slovakia-the-context-of-economic-globalisation.pdf |