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How Fit for Development Is the European Investment Bank? Development Economics Discourse Analysis

Akademik:Mgr. Ivan Lesay, MA., PhD.
Typ príspevku:publikácia
Anotácia:This paper aims to reconstruct the development argument of EIB. The reconstructed development discourse of EIB is confronted with development economics theories in an effort to identify its theoretical inspirations.
Popis:The European Investment Bank (EIB) has recently become a relevant development player; nevertheless, its theoretical competence to operate in developing countries has not been scrutinised and proven. This paper aims, first, to reconstruct the development argument of EIB, i.e. to map how EIB claims its investments to contribute to economic development of developing countries. EIB’s texts are analysed in order to carry out the stated aim. Second, the reconstructed development discourse of EIB is confronted with development economics theories in an effort to identify its theoretical inspirations. Third, Critical Discourse Analysis is applied with the aim of identifying EIB’s discoursive practices. It is argued in the paper that EIB’s development discourse is inspired predominantly by the Washington Consensus, is minimalist and underdeveloped, and uses discoursive techniques that enable it to promote and perpetuate EIB’s hegemonic and ideological positions. The paper concludes that, from a development economics perspective, EIB is theoretically limited and unqualified.
Rok vydania:2010
Autor:Mgr. Ivan Lesay, MA., PhD.
Inštitúcia:Ekonomický ústav SAV
Vydavateľ:IIPPE, SOAS, University of London
Pridané do repozitára:11. 10. 2010
Posledná zmena:8. 3. 2025
Jazyk:anglický (en)
Počet strán:37
Vedný odbor: Medzinárodné ekonomické vzťahy, Svetová ekonomika, Sociológia
Názov súboru:how-fit-for-development-is-eib-development-economics-discourse-analysis.pdf
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