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Sociálno-demografická dimenzia kvality života v Bratislave (vo svetle multivariačnej analýzy)

Akademik:Mgr. Ivan Andráško, PhD.
Typ príspevku:príspevok v domácom časopise
Anotácia:Príspevok sa zaoberá zhodnotením sociálno-demografickej dimenzie kvality života a jej priestorového rozloženia na území mesta Bratislava pomocou metódy faktorovej analýzy.
Popis:SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC DIMENSION OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN BRATISLAVA (IN THE LIGHT OF THE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS) In this study, an attempt was made to investigate the spatial distribution of the socio-demographic dimension of the quality of life in the city of Bratislava. From the 2001 Population and Housing Census, 25 variables were selected for each of 75 spatial units in the city area. Using the method of factor analysis, four factors were identified. They were interpreted as socio-occupational status, productive age and size of the household, multiple deprivation, households with children. Subsequently the spatial pattern of each factor was analysed.Along with the studies concerning the living conditions and subjective perception of the quality of life, the general pattern of the quality of life in Bratislava can be displayed. Key words: quality of life, factor analysis, city, Bratislava, factorial ecology
Rok vydania:2006
Autor:Mgr. Ivan Andráško, PhD.
Inštitúcia:Geografický ústav SAV
Vydavateľ:In Acta Facultatis Studiorum Humanitatis et Naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis, Prírodné vedy, Folia Geographica, no.10/ vol.XLV, 2006, ISSN 1336-6149, p. 10 - 17.
Pridané do repozitára:23. 10. 2008
Posledná zmena:10. 3. 2025
Jazyk:slovenský (sk)
Počet strán:8
Vedný odbor: Geografické vedy
Názov súboru:socialno-demograficka-dimenzia-kvality-zivota-v-bratislave.pdf
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